



 1U高度模块化电源MU4系列,功率高达800W, BF型绝缘和极低的噪声 

TDK 公司宣布推出TDK-Lambda 品牌1U高度MU4系列AC-DC模块化电源。该产品具有极低的可听噪声,非常适用于对于噪声要求很高的测试和医疗应用。MU4系列可提供多达5路隔离的稳定输出,功率可达800W。MU4系列所有型号均满足MOPP(患者保护)绝缘,包括输出到地,以简化在 BF型医疗应用中的设计。其他目标应用有牙科、测试和测量、广播、专业音频和工业设备等。




MU4系列设计为薄型1U高度,尺寸为89 x 41 x 257.5mm (W x H x D),可实现更小的系统结构设计。


MU4系列提供9款输出模块可供选择,提供3.3V到104V的输出电压范围,功率额定值从150W到480W。可选项有5V / 2A辅助电源,风扇故障信号,禁止和使能(用于单个或所有输出)选项,DC good,PMBus™通信和用于并联的均流功能。


使用在线快速产品查找器,可非常简单的配置和选择MU4系列产品。该查找器会自动从各种选项中生成最优化的模块选项。输入所需的输出电压和电流后,它将自动生成一个 7 位代码,以方便下单。


MU4系列的效率高达 90%,输入电压工作范围85 - 264 Vac,输入范围 180 - 264Vac时输出功率可达800W,输入范围90 - 180Vac时输出功率为600W,输入低于90Vac时降额。最大漏电流是300µA-包含所有元器件公差,接触电流小于100µA。电源可工作在环境温度-20°C - +70°C,在 50°C 以上线性降额至 50% 负载。


MU4系列输入到输出耐压4,000Vac (2 x MoPP),输入到地耐压1,500Vac (1 x MoPP),输出到地耐压1,500Vac (1 x MoPP),适用于B型和BF型医疗设备。安全认证有IEC/EN 60601-1, ES 60601-1. IEC/EN/CSA/UL 62368-1, (设计符合IEC/EN 61010-1),并带有CE / UKCA标识,符合低压、EMC和RoHS EU指令和UK法规。该系列符合 EN 55011-B、EN 55032-B 辐射和传导发射,并符合 EN 60601-1-2:2015(第 4 版)和 EN 61000-4 抗扰度标准。


*专利申请中。取决于配置,标称条件为 25°C、115Vac/240Vac 和 80% 功率。



For more information about the TDK-Lambda MU4 series, please call TDK-Lambda directly on +44 (0)1271 856600 or follow this link.


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About TDK Corporation


TDK Corporation is a world leader in electronic solutions for the smart society based in Tokyo, Japan. Built on a foundation of material sciences mastery, TDK welcomes societal transformation by resolutely remaining at the forefront of technological evolution and deliberately “Attracting Tomorrow.” It was established in 1935 to commercialize ferrite, a key material in electronic and magnetic products. TDK‘s comprehensive, innovation-driven portfolio features passive components such as ceramic, aluminum electrolytic and film capacitors, as well as magnetics, high-frequency, and piezo and protection devices. The product spectrum also includes sensors and sensor systems such as temperature and pressure, magnetic, and MEMS sensors. In addition, TDK provides power supplies and energy devices, magnetic heads and more. These products are marketed under the product brands TDK, EPCOS, InvenSense, Micronas, Tronics and TDK-Lambda. TDK focuses on demanding markets in automotive, industrial and consumer electronics, and information and communication technology. The company has a network of design and manufacturing locations and sales offices in Asia, Europe, and in North and South America. In fiscal 2022, TDK posted total sales of USD 15.6 billion and employed about 117,000 people worldwide.


About TDK-Lambda Corporation


TDK-Lambda Corporation is a trusted, innovative leader and global supplier of highly reliable power conversion products for industrial and medical equipment worldwide.


TDK-Lambda Corporation is aligned for fast responses to any customer need with R&D, manufacturing, sales and service locations in five key geographic regions, namely Japan, EMEA, Americas, China and ASEAN.


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Contacts for regional media









Hannah Owen


TDK-Lambda UK


+44 (0)1271856667 


Danielle Burness




+44 (0)7581024101